Private Tutor Online English Class

80% tutors teach for over 5 years at Mira
70% students learn for over 3 years at Mira

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Experienced Teaching
Customized Learning

Every child is special. At Mira Tutor, we customize the class for your child's need. Our tutors have many years of teaching ESL online and offline. Your child will learn at his/her own pace.

  • Cherie B.

    8 years teaching at Mira

  • Derek F.

    8 years teaching at Mira

  • Christy R.

    5 years teaching at Mira

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  • Scott A.

    6 years teaching at Mira

  • Michaela M.

    6 years teaching at Mira

  • Elisha P.

    8 years teaching at Mira

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